Week 10


3 cm

You’re probably starting to notice changes in your body even if others don’t notice it yet. Find out some new developments with your baby and what you can do to ensure they get the best nutrients to grow.

At roughly 3cm long, your baby’s brain is developing faster than any other part of their body, making their head look very large in relation to the rest of their small body. Toes are separating, arms can bend at the elbow and their spine is visible through their skin. They’re getting more active each day and can now sleep, wake up and exercise their muscles. Although you might not yet be showing on the outside, inside, your uterus has doubled in size to that of a large grapefruit.

Iron is one of the key nutrients in a healthy pregnancy diet. It’s important for carrying extra oxygen around in your red blood cells and it’s needed for your baby’s developing brain. Low iron levels can cause anemia, which will leave you feeling tired, washed-out and generally unwell.

Try to include iron-rich foods in your diet by eating red meat, fish, eggs, dried fruit, fortified breakfast cereals, wholegrain breads and green leafy vegetables. These foods all contain a wide range of important nutrients in addition to iron. Iron is best absorbed by your body if you eat a vitamin C-rich food at the same time. Try a glass of orange juice with your breakfast cereal or fresh fruit as a starter to your main course. If your iron levels become low, your midwife may recommend an iron supplement. Supplements should only be taken if advised by your doctor or midwife, as not all supplements are safe for pregnancy.

Click here to read about iron and vitamin C during pregnancy >>

If you’d like to talk to us confidentially about your pregnancy, our Careline team includes nutritionists and mums. You can call our team on 800 6458 6262 (UAE)/ +971 4 420 9489 (Other countries) Saturday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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due date

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menstrual period?

Know your baby’s
due date

RESULT Estimated due date (40 week full term)

Continue to read more All dates are approximations and should only be considered as a reference.

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Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddler hood. For more information and relevant advice, please contact us between 9am-6pm from Sunday to Friday.